Voluntary Liquidation of Regulated Investment Funds in Luxembourg

Regulatory, legal and operational considerations
9 septembre 2020 par
Legitech, François de Jonghe

The process of voluntary fund liquidations in Luxembourg involves many regulatory, legal and operational considerations. Join our panel of experts as they provide their insights into this complex topic. Questions can be sent in advance and during the webinar using event code #VLFL on slido.


Tuesday 22nd September 2020
Time: 17:00 - 17:45 CET

Please contact [email protected] with any questions


    Laurence Kreder, Chef de division, CSSF

Legal Aspects
    Augustin de Longeaux, Partner, Simmons & Simmons

Operational considerations
    Olivier Peter, Director, Deloitte
    Christophe Vandendorpe, Partner, E&Y